My dissertation project is now well under way and the deadline is in just over a months time! So scary. I remember my first few weeks on the course feeling totally bewildered and confused about research and even contemplating whether I had made the right decision to do the course. I started the course not knowing what the words qualitative and quantitative even meant. I can't believe that me... yep little old me is underway with a masters research project! I never thought i'd see the day.
Anyway, enough of the emotional, nostalgic reflection
My research project is entitled "A qualitative exploration of creative arts as an occupation for adults with autism spectrum disorder" and as I say, I am well underway on my qualitative explorative journey! I recruited participants to engage in semi structured interviews and questionnaires and I am using a thematic analysis process to analyse my findings. I am presenting my results so far at the University of Cumbria's MScOT student conference next week!
My dissertation has kinda taken over my life a little at the moment, but that was to be expected! It is incredibly difficult to balance dissertation work with other university modules at the moment, but I am getting there hopefully! It really does help that I am passionate and really interested in my dissertation topic - that definitely keeps me going!
University modules
I have just finished what has been my favourite module of the course so far where we were working in groups to practically design and implement an OT intervention with a chosen client group. My group chose to design an intervention based upon the theory of reminiscence and was targeted at the client group of over 65 within retirement properties. A lot of hard work went in throughout the whole process of designing and implementing the intervention, and that is never an easy process in a group full off passionate individuals, each with their own opinions, values and beliefs! My group also had to account for unforeseen circumstances such as the intervention being cancelled last minute due to norovirus - meaning we had to find a change of venue as quick as possible. Although stressful at times the experience was entirely positive and the module has allowed me to learn and gain valuable experience of a client group I have never worked with and also gained experience I can transfer into future practice regarding reminiscence techniques and OT practice with older adults. I know I often look at things through rose tinted glasses but I can honestly say that I enjoyed the intervention so much, it was a beautiful afternoon and we gained some fantastic feedback highlighting that there is indeed an ever-growing need for OT intervention and support with this particular client group.
We have also started our last university module which involves a viva in August which is our last exam! Although it feels ages away at the moment, the end is growing closer.
Our final 10 week placement is also not too far away as we start at the end of May. I have been on a visit to my placement to meet my educator and find out some information in preparation! I am really looking forward to this placement as it is in the area of learning disabilities and I can't wait to find out more about the role and practice of OT in this area, I feel excited about the new opportunities this will give me and also the opportunity to use transferable skills I already have. Including information I learned regarding sensory integration techniques for my viva last year... perhaps that viva wasn't so disastrous after all...
So that's life at the moment! It's hectic, intense and the hardest I've ever worked. I did have a little break from uni work this week though for my birthday which was bliss!
Back to it now though as unfortunately, dissertations don't write themselves!
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